Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Book Review free essay sample

a. Why did you choose this book? -The title of the book, â€Å"Cicada Summer†, captivates my eyes, I thought that this book would be about a vacation and I like that kind of novels. Then, when I read what this book is all about, it captures me, because I really like novels about mysteries and solving puzzles and problems. And that’s why I chose this book. ? b. What was the book about? -The book was about twelve-year-old narrator Lily, a motherless child, who has exiled herself to a self-imposed silence and isolation after a hinted-at tragedy that involved her older brother Pete.Interwoven with the story of a mysterious girl, named Tinny, who suddenly moves into their town. Lily and Tinny faced trials and problems which involves their family and love ones. c. How did you rate this book? oExciting oInteresting oDull oOkay A Book Review I’m pretending to be Lily Mathis, as the girl who loves to read Nancy Drew books, who’s good in spying and keeping secrets. Furthermore, technology was witnessed to prevail at the end of the story, as a source of progress in Animal Farm such as installing a telephone and subscribing to magazines. Animal farm also portrayed a comparison between the leadership approaches of human with that of the pigs that controlled the farm. In Animal Farm, old Major the boar on the Manor Farm, called the animals for a meeting and made a speech, Major explained to the animals that they are enslaved and exploited, and that man is to blame. Old Major was a visionary leader, he communicated his vision and mission clearly to the animals and stated that ‘Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy’. Old Major instructed the animals ‘that in fighting against man we must not come to resemble him’, ‘Even when you have conquered him, do not adopt his vices’. Major also outlined the seven commandments that the animals followed which stated that, no animal must ever live in a house, sleep in bed, wear clothes, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, touch money and engage in trade. Major also professed that all the habits of man are evil, no animal must ever kill another animal and that all animals are equal. Soon after old Major died, two pigs named Napoleon and Snowball assumed command and commenced planning the attack on Mr. Jones the owner of the farm who treated them with cruelty, seldom fed them, stole the products of their own labor and whipped and slaughter them at his discretion. Napoleon and Snowball conducted meetings with the animals and motivated them which were revolutionary as they revolted and drove Mr. Jones away from the farm. However, the animals’ victory and new found freedom would not last long, as the greed and power of Napoleon and the other pigs took dictatorship over all the other animals on the farm and completely reversed all Major’s commandments and did the exact opposite of what Major told them to do. The modification of the seven commandments caused the animals to follow rules that went against the original laws which had dictated the entire purpose of the animals’ revolution against man. Napoleon essentially resembles the human, as he now portrays the human behavior and the animals are not able to distinguish the difference between the humans and the pigs. Therefore, the other animals on the farm are now faced with the harsh cruelty that even after the revolution they were still exploited and enslaved by the pigs. The Parallels which exist with Business Communication Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers, using one or more written, oral, visual, or electronic channels. The essence of communication is sharing, providing data, information and insights in an exchange that benefits both you and the people with whom you are communicating. In Animal Farm the animals communicated with each other by conducting group meetings, engaging in debates, forming committees, written communication by the use of seven commandments which acted as their policy and law to follow. The ways in which the animals operated bear a close resemblance to that of the operations and structure of an organization. The animals communicated both externally and internally. Communication channels such as word of mouth was utilized to transfer information and messages, for example Mr. Whymper acts as an intermediary between Animal Farm and the outside world, he receives and pass on communication from Napoleon to the other humans and spread rumors about the activities on the farm, as well as collect and sell eggs. Also, the pigeons were used as messengers to spread news about the rebellion to the other animals on farms across England, which caused animals on the other farms to lash out and rebel against their human masters. Napoleon and Snowball conducted meetings every Sunday with all the animals where the work for the upcoming week was planned out and resolutions were put forward and debated by the pigs, and everyone voted for the resolution symbolizing equality among the animals, an adherence to one of the commandments that all animals are equal. Business communication involves a constant flow of information, it is goal oriented. The rules, regulations and policies of a company have to be communicated to people within and outside the organization. Business communication is regulated by certain norms and rules. Rules are often thought of as ways to maintain generally accepted notions of orders. The commandments and traditions set up by the pigs immediately after the rebellion are meant to unite, motivate and energize the animals. The flow of communication subsequently changed after the rebellion. Firstly, the flow of communication between the animals was horizontal, such that communication took place between animals of equal status in the farm. Secondly, downward vertical communication had occurred where decisions was made by Napoleon and the other pigs, and had to be communicated to and explained to the other animals of their duties and responsibilities. Finally, the structure of the farm became centralized where all decision making was being undertaken by Napoleon and the other pigs. In order to for an organization to survive and be effective, they must have a plan and implement strategies. In Animal Farm, Napoleon and Snowball constructed plans and strategies for the animals to follow, also strategic plans that included tactic to prevent humans from trying to recapture the farm, Mr. Jones and Mr. Frederick both attacked the farm, however failed. Business plans are very vital in the survival of an organization, the plan to resist and eventually conquer Mr. Jones was a product of scanning, understanding their threats, strengths, weakness and opportunities. Snowball embarked on various campaigns for social and economic improvement, by making plans to construct a windmill that would produce electricity. Napoleon also used negotiation as a strategy to sell animal farm timber to Frederick and Pilkington. Snowball also formed committees between the animals and trained them to read and write. Throughout Animal Farm, it was evident that technology was a source of progress at the farm. However, technology was useless unless in the hands of human, for example when the windmill was finished it was used to for milling corn instead of its original purpose of supplying the animals with electricity in their stalls. Despite their lack of knowledge on technology they installed telephones and subscribed to magazines, made plans to build a school, proving that with the ever prevailing technology the animals would have improved their intelligence and become advanced Power, Leadership and Corruption The basic task of a leader is to influence or motivate group members to commit themselves to the goals and work to achieve them. After the rebellion against Mr. Jones, the pigs were the ones that took on the task and leadership roles of organizing and mobilizing the other animals because they were generally recognized as being the cleverest of the animals, thus they took power and the hierarchy of intelligence in the animals of the farm ultimately became the hierarchy of power. The pigs were reliant on the ignorance and lack of education of the other animals, and their inability to see the corruption of the pigs. To the extent that the animals did not question the pigs, they became complicit in the corruption of their ideals. Deception and punishment was used to gain power, they quell the animal’s questions and protested by threatening Mr. Jones return and Napoleon used dogs to run Snowball out of the farm and he killed any animal that disobeyed him. At first the pigs were loyal to their fellow animals and the revolutionary cause, however it was soon realized that Napoleon had a hidden agenda and the leadership diverted from a democratic or participative leadership style to an autocratic approach. Napoleon adopted an autocratic leadership approach, such that he took control over all the animals, he never consulted anyone before making decisions and the animals didn’t question them because they respected and feared him. For example, Boxer was the most dedicated and respected animal on the farm, he believed whatever was said by Napoleon was right and in the end he was betrayed and exploited by Napoleon. Napoleon also delegated tasks to Squealer who persuaded and convinced the workers that everything that Napoleon did was for the benefit of all the animals on the farm. Also, Squealer frequently made amendments to the commandments anytime Napoleon and the other pigs were in breach of the commandments. For example when the pigs started sleeping in the beds the commandment was changed from no animals shall sleep in a bed to no animals shall sleep in a bed with sheet, all the seven commandments was eventually replaced to ‘All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than other’. Napoleon also used violence and fear to frighten the animals into submission. Conclusion George Orwell goal in writing Animal Farm was to speak out against the Russian Communism and to show that the rulers were ruling cruelly. In society where people have no choice, the ruling body with privileges such as special education, luxury and titles, has an absolute power, this will lead to corruption and disintegration of values.

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